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University Board of DirectorsModified 2021-10-12 20:46


The Board of Directors Of the University of Oulu

Searching for

2 members, no deputies

Opening date of application


Application period

2021-09-20 - 2021-10-04


2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31

Place and date for decision making

OYY's Student Council on the 12th of Oct., 2021

Representing in the Board of Directors of the University of Oulu offers a great deal of power and responsibility, because the Board has the highest executive power in the University. The operations of the Board are directed by the tasks set to it, which includes managing the University's finances, operations, assets and strategy. The Board approves the University’s significant agreements and regulations as well as selects the Rectors. The Board also has power over education as it annually approves the degree program portfolio, i.e. decides on the new degree programs and the number of freshers at the University of Oulu each year. The operations of the Board are set in the Finnish Universities Act and in the regulations of the University of Oulu. A comprehensive list of the Board's responsibilities is listed below. The Board gathers about once a month, and additionally time should be reserved for other meetings related to the Board work, networking and preparing for the meetings.

Two student members are selected for the Board for a two-year term. In addition to the students, there are professors and other University staff, as well as selected people from outside the University in the Board. OYY's education specialist supports the student representatives. The representatives can have study credits (4 cr for 2 year work, maximum 10 cr / student) and commission from their work in the Board. The amount of the commission is decided by the University Collegium.

Previous experience as a student representative is considered an advantage when appointing the representatives. The Student Council of OYY appoints the student representatives. All eligible applicants will be invited to be interviewed at the Student Council meeting on the 12th of October 2021 (meeting is in the evening on Linnanmaa campus, University of Oulu). The members of the student union, who have submitted their applications within the application period and are registered as present in their studies in the University of Oulu are eligible to apply.

In your application, write down your major or degree program, the stage of your studies and any experience that may affect the appointment. In addition, describe your own goals and motivation for the Board work.

Applications are submitted to this call in halloped.fi no later than the 4th of October 2021. Login with the University's HAKA credentials.

More information: Aino Rossi, Specialist of Academic Affairs of OYY, aino.rossi@oyy.fi

The remit of the board is to

(1) determine the main objectives of the university operations and finances, the strategy and steering principles;

(2) decide on the operating and financial plans and the budget of the university, and to prepare a financial statement;

(3) be accountable for the management and use of the assets of the university, unless the board has devolved the power to the rector;

(4) arrange the supervision of the accounting and asset management;

(5) approve agreements of major importance or fundamental consequence for the university and issue opinions on important matters of principle concerning the university;

(6) approve the agreement with the Ministry of Education and Culture referred to in section 48 on behalf of the university;

(7) elect the rector or rectors and decide on the division of work between them and to dismiss the rector from his or her office if there is a legitimate and justified reason for it in consideration of the nature of the office;

(8) approve the university rules of procedure and other corresponding rules pertaining to general organisation and decide on the operational structure of the university;

(9) submit a proposal to the Ministry of Education and Culture concerning any change in the educational responsibilities of the university;

(10) decide on the number of students to be admitted to the university.