Oulun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta

Halloped information system

The Board of Directors Of the University of OuluModified 2021-10-18 10:06


Oulun yliopisto - Hallinto


2020-01-01 - 2021-12-31

Manager :


The Board of directors is the university’s highest executive body. The Board of director’s composition and duties and the election, resignation and dismissal of its members are provided for in the Universities Act. The length of the term of office applicable to the Board of directors and its members is decided by the university collegium.

The tasks of the Board of Directors are the following: 1) to make decisions regarding the central aims, strategy and principles of management for University operations and finances;

2) to make decisions regarding the operational and financial plan and budget of the University, and to prepare the financial statement;

3) to be accountable for the management and use of University assets, unless the Board has delegated its power to the rector;

4) make arrangements for monitoring accounting and financial management;

5) approve agreements important or fundamental to University operations and to issue statements on matters principally important in terms of University affairs;

6) to approve the agreement to be made with the Ministry of Education and Culture in accordance with Section 48 of the Universities Act on behalf of the University;

7) to select and expel the rector, should there be sufficient and justified cause for the procedure, considering the nature of the position;

8) to approve the Rules of Procedure and other similar regulations regarding general organisation and to make the decisions regarding the operational structure of the University;

9) to make a proposal to the Ministry of Education and Culture on changing the University's responsibility for education;

10) to make decisions regarding the number of students admitted to the University; and

11) to make decisions regarding the holdings of the University with a limited company and other communities unless the Board has delegated the power to the rector.

In addition, it is the duty of the Board of Directors to elect the management personnel working directly under the rector's authority, unless it has delegated the task to another body or person in the university.

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