Oulun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta

Halloped information system

The Teaching Development Group of the Oulu Extension SchoolModified 2021-10-18 10:05


Oulun yliopisto - Erilliset laitokset - Täydentävien opintojen keskus - Avoin yliopisto - Kieli- ja viestintäkoulutus - Täydennyskoulutus


2022-11-01 - 2023-12-31

Manager :


The Oulu Extension School (TOPIK) organises language and communications studies for the University’s degree students. The unit also organises adult education as professional updating education and co-ordinates the University’s alumni actions. It also supports faculties and degree programmes with work-related studies. The Teaching Development Group of the Oulu Extension School discusses, for example, the feedback system of language and communications studies, course updates and professional education quality and functionality.

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