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The Education Committee of Oulu Business SchoolModified 2018-01-16 14:31


Education Committee for Oulu Business School

Searching for

2 members, 2 deputies

Opening date of application


Application period

2017-10-16 - 2017-12-10


2018-01-01 - 2019-12-31

Place and date for decision making

At least two student representatives are appointed to each Education Committee, so no one hast to be left to attend their matters alone. The tasks of the Faculty Education Committees include the guidance and assessment of education leading to a degree, and the collection and processing of student feedback. Due to the aforementioned task, the Education Committees play a big role in ensuring the effectiveness of student feedback.

Note that the language of the meetings, depending on faculty, is Finnish.

Your application should include, at the least, the following information: your major subject and the state of your studies, your own objectives for working in the Faculty Education Committee, your motivations and what, according to you, are the most important tasks of the student representatives. In order to be eligible for applying for the Faculty Education Committee, you must have the primary study right in the faculty in question. When appointing the student representatives, the Faculty Education Committees aim to have equal representation from as many departments as possible.