The Student Union of LUT University

Halloped information system

Student representatives for LBM academic councilModified 2022-11-10 11:09


LBM Academic Council

Searching for

3 members, 3 deputies

Opening date of application


Application period

2022-09-29 - 2022-11-06


2023-01-01 - 2024-12-31

Place and date for decision making

Edustajiston kokous 10.11. klo 17

LUT School of Business and Management academic council is looking for 3 full members and 3 deputy members for a two-year term.

The Academic Council decides on the curricula of the academic unit, makes presentations on the filling of the unit's positions and grants dissertation permits. The Academic Council meets approximately once a month during the academic year, so including preparation for the meetings, it takes less than 10 hours a month, depending on the month. Meetings are promised a meeting fee and valuable experience in, for example, meeting behavior and negotiation skills.

Eligible for the position are members of the student union who study at LBM and are not employed with the university for more than 50% of the working time of the spesific employee group.

Write us a free-form application, but please include your field of study and your year of study, as well as whether you are available both as a full member and as an deputy member. You may be invited to a short interview. The presentation to the representative board is made by the application group, which presents applicants based on the application and possible interview.

Decisions about positions will be made at the LTKY representative board meeting on 10.11. from 17:00 and candidates are welcome to the meeting.

New Hallopeds are trained during November-December.