Oulun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta

Hallinnon opiskelijaedustajien tietojärjestelmä

Call for a Education Councilmuokattu 4.6.2018 klo 14.26




yhtä varsinaista jäsentä, ei yhtäkään varajäsentä

Haun avaamispäivämäärä



12.6.2017 - 7.8.2017


1.9.2017 - 31.12.2017

Päätöksenteon paikka ja ajankohta

The Education Council supports the Rectors in enhancing the education, initiating motions for education politics and development, and evaluates the quality of graduate and postgraduate education. The members in Education Council are a versatile representation of the areas of expertise and of different sciences in the University. There are two student representatives working in the Education Council. The Specialist in Academic Affairs of the Student Union has speaking and attendance rights in the meetings and supports the working of the student representatives.

The student representative is expected to be fluent in English and eager to have effect on current education politics. Previous experiences from working in the student guilds or as a student representative are seen as a benefit. The Board of the Student Union chooses the student representative in its meeting and makes a proposal to the Rector.

The call for a Education Council ends on Monday August 7th. The Education Council has the meetings during the fall 2017 on Nov 4th and Dec 13th. The term for the chosen student representative end on December 31th 2017.