Oulun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta

Halloped information system

Doctoral Training Committee of Information Technology and Electrical EngineeringModified 2022-04-01 13:47


Oulun yliopisto - Oulun yliopiston tutkijakoulu - Doctoral Training Committee of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering


2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31

Manager :


The doc researcher members of Doctoral Training Committees have an important role as the voice of doctoral researchers in the four Doctoral Training Committees of the University. The decisions of the Committees have a significant impact in the lives of doctoral researchers. The Doctoral Training Committees direct, develop and evaluate the activities of the doctoral degree programs in the specific fields of the Committee. The Committees e.g. assess admission applications, doctoral training plans and final PhD theses. Additionally the Committees are also responsible for organizing field-specific doctoral training. The Committees gather approximately once a month.

The selected doc researcher representatives are expected to collaborate with other doc researcher representatives and to also participate in the activities of the Doctoral Researchers’ Section. The Section seeks to influence the development of doctoral training and promote equal rights and well-being of doctoral researchers. The Section gathers approximately once a month to discuss doctoral researchers’ points of view concerning the development of doctoral training. The task of the doc researcher representatives is to take doctoral researchers’ proposals and opinions forward. The Section also organizes events for doctoral researchers.

Current student representatives


University representatives