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Education Group of UniOGSModified 2019-11-27 10:47


Education Group of UniOGS

Searching for

2 members, one deputy

Opening date of application


Application period

2019-10-01 - 2019-11-14


2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31

Place and date for decision making

OYY:n hallituksen kokous marraskuussa

The student members in the Education Group of UniOGS represent doctoral students in matters concerning the selection and development of courses for doctoral students. The task of the Education Group is to evaluate and develop the general and transferrable skills courses and field-specific training at the University of Oulu. The Education groups discusses e.g. how to improve the courses of UniOGS according to feedback and what kind of new courses UniOGS could offer. Ideally, the student members in the group would represent students in different stages of doctoral studies.

The selected student representatives are expected to collaborate with other student representatives and to also participate in the activities of the Doctoral Students’ Section. The Section seeks to influence the development of doctoral training and promote equal rights and well-being of doctoral students. The Section gathers approximately once in 1-2 months to discuss doctoral students’ points of view concerning the development of doctoral training. The task of the student representatives is to take doctoral students’ proposals and opinions forward. The Section also organizes events for doctoral students.

The applications will be discussed in the meeting of the Doctoral Students’ Section on November. The meetings are open for all doctoral students and applicants are also welcome to join.