Oulun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta

Halloped information system

The Student Wellbeing Working Group of the University of OuluModified 2020-06-08 14:47


Oulun yliopisto - Hyvinvointityöryhmä


2019-01-01 - 2021-12-31

Manager :

The student wellbeing working group of the University of Oulu enhances the the wellbeing of the students, supports the ability to study and pays and promotes of minding the students' opinions.

The working group handles various thing from the livelihood to the study counselling and to the progress of the studies. The working group is a bond and a coordinator between different agents working in the student wellbeing field. In the multiprofessional gropu there are agents from FSHS, from the University of Oulu, from the church and from the Student Union.

The student wellbeing working group meets once a month (not during summer break).

Current student representatives


University representatives