Oulun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta

Halloped information system

Equality and diversity working group of the Faculties of Humanities and Education and Oulu Business SchoolModified 2019-11-01 09:34


Oulun yliopisto - Tasa-arvo- ja yhdenvertaisuutoimikunta


2019-01-01 - 2021-12-31

Manager :

Sosiaalipoliittinen asiantuntija, sopoasiantuntija@oyy.fi

In their unit/faculty, equality and diversity workgroups are responsible for 1) acting as a cooperation forum at faculty level that collects and conveys information and expertise on issues related to equality and diversity, 2) communicates on issues related to equality and diversity in relevant faculties and units and to the Equality and Diversity Committee, 3) preparing an operating plan concerning the work on equality and diversity in relevant faculties, and surveying, monitoring and promoting the fact that the plan is up-to-date as well as the implementation of procedures recorded in the plan regularly and in a persevering and consistent manner, 4) surveying, monitoring and promoting the implementation of equality and diversity in relevant faculties, and making decisions on procedures on the basis of the results of the survey, and 5) reporting to the University’s Equality and Diversity Committee on their equality and diversity operation as well as in connection with annual result negotiations to relevant faculties and further to the Rector.

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