Oulun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta

Halloped information system

Education Management GroupModified 2019-12-09 11:03


Education Management Group

Searching for

one member, one deputy

Opening date of application


Application period

2019-10-01 - 2019-11-14


2020-01-01 - 2021-12-31

Place and date for decision making

OYY board meeting on November

The task of the Education Management Group is to support the Vice Rector for Education and the Education Deans in the management and development of education and the implementation of the education strategy.

The Vice Rector for Education appoints the Education Management Group that consists of the Education Deans, the Vice Dean of Graduate School and of other members appointed by the Vice Rector for Education. The Vice Rector for Education appoints at least one student member, whose term is two calendar years at a time.

The Education Management Group thoroughly discusses the educational objectives of the University and education development. The Education Management Group is a straight link to the faculties’ education committees. The Board of the Student Union will select the candidates presented to the Vice Rector for Education. The candidates will be interviewed at the offices of the Student Union during week 47. The more precise timing of the interviews will be announced to those invited to an interview in the near future. Note that the language of the meetings is Finnish.

Your application should include, at the least, the following information: your major subject and the state of your studies, possible previous experiences on taking part in education development and the most important themes you want to bring forward in the Education Management Group.