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Additional call: University CollegiumModified 2021-06-10 08:18


University Collegium

Searching for

no members, 2 deputies

Opening date of application


Application period

2021-04-19 - 2021-06-06


2021-08-01 - 2021-12-31

Place and date for decision making

OYY's Student Council in the meeting after the closing of the call

We are now looking for two deputy members to the University Collegium of the University of Oulu!

The University Collegium has the most authority along with the University Board of Directors. The tasks of the Collegium are specified in the Universities Act and include for example, deciding the members of the University Board of Directors, confirming the selections of University auditors, approving the financial statement and annual report of the University, relieving the members of the Board of their duties and deciding upon bringing an action for damages. The Collegium holds meetings usually twice a year.

Seven student representatives and seven personal deputy members are appointed to the Collegium. The Collegium also consists of ten professors and seven other staff members in accordance with the University’s regulations §13.

OYY’s Specialist in Academic Affairs supports the representatives. The representatives can receive study credits and commissions for their work.

Your application should include, at the least, the following information: your major subject and the state of your studies, your own objectives for working in the organ, your motivations and what, according to you, are the most important tasks of the student representatives.

In order to be eligible for applying for the organ, you must have the primary study right in the University of Oulu and you have to be a member of OYY. When appointing the student representatives, the board aims to have equal representation from all Faculties.

More information: kopoasiantuntija@oyy.fi