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The University Collegium 2020-2021Modified 2019-12-16 10:23


University Collegium

Searching for

7 members, 7 deputies

Opening date of application


Application period

2019-10-01 - 2019-12-05


2020-01-01 - 2021-12-31

Place and date for decision making

OYY student council meeting on December

All members of the Student Union who have registered for attendance are eligible to apply for the student representative seats in the University Collegium. The tasks of the University Collegium are, for example, to select the members not part of the University Board, and to approve the University’s financial statement and annual report. As a member of the University Collegium you will be able to witness how the University functions as a whole. The student representatives have also been able to greatly improve their recruitment skills when seeking and interviewing the members not part of the University Board. The Collegium meets about 2 to 3 times a year. The language of the meetings is Finnish.

The Student Council will elect the student representatives for the University Collegium.

Your application should include, at the least, the following information: your major subject and the state of your studies, previous experiences as a student representative in the administration, and your motivation for working in the University Collegium.