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University CollegiumModified 2018-06-04 14:31


University Collegium

Searching for

7 members, 7 deputies

Opening date of application


Application period

2015-11-05 - 2015-11-20


2016-01-01 - 2017-12-31

Place and date for decision making

The University Collegium consists of 24 members who each have individual vice members. Ten (10) members represent professors, seven (7) members other teachers, researchers and other members of personnel and seven (7) members represent students. The tasks of the University Collegium are: 1) to decide on the number of members in the Board of Directors and on the length of the term of office for the Board and its members; 2) to select the members for the University Board of Directors as stated in Section 15, Subsection 4 of the Universities Act; 3) to confirm the selection of the University community groups indicated in Section 15, Subsection 2 in the Universities Act as members of the Board of Directors; 4) to relieve a member of the Board of his/her duties based on the proposal of the Board; 5) to select the University auditors; 6) to approve the University financial statement and annual report and shall make the decision about granting an exemption from liability to the Board members and the rector; 7) to decide upon an action for damages against a member of the Board, rector or auditor; 8) to decide upon relieving a member of the Board of his/her duties in accordance with Section 65, Subsection 3 in the Universities Act; and 9) to appoint a committee with the task of preparing the election of the members in Section 10, Subsection 4. The University Collegium selects a chairperson and a vice chairperson amongst its members.