University of Helsinki

Halloped information system

Executive Board of the Doctoral School of Bioengineering, Food & Nutrition, Environment Modified 2019-06-19 18:55



2014-02-28 - 2015-12-31

Manager :

The objective of the doctoral school is to guide doctoral education in the field and its development, as well as enhance the best practices of doctoral education. The doctoral school consists of the executive board and the director.

The doctoral school has an executive board consisting of the director and the maximum of eight members.The term of the executive board is four years, however, the term of the representative of doctoral students is two years. The Rector appoints the executive board for the doctoral school. The representation of fields and operators in the doctoral school are taken into account as far as possible in the composition of the executive board. The executive board develops the operations of the doctoral school led by the director.

The duties of the doctoral school executive board are 1) to improve doctoral education in the field, as well as recruitment and application for doctoral education; 2) to make a proposal to the Rector on targeting funding and other resources to doctoral programmes of the doctoral school; 3) to ensure the quality of doctoral programmes and monitor the operations of doctoral programmes; and
4) other duties related to the doctoral school activities

Current student representatives


University representatives