University of Helsinki

Halloped information system

Language Centre Student Council Modified 2019-06-19 18:45



2014-01-01 - 2015-12-31

Manager :

Language Centre Student Council for the term 1 Jan 2014–31 Dec 2015

1 Number of members in the Student Council

A total of 20 students from all campuses are appointed to Language Centre Student Council. Participation of the Swedish-speaking and international students is encouraged.

2 Duration of term The term of the Student Council covers the years 2014–2015.

3 Duties of the Student Council members

  • The Student Council meets 2 times per semester to discuss language studies of the Language Centre and their development.

  • Members can participate in pedagogical development of the Language Centre in working groups and internal training sessions.

  • Members bring up the needs, opinions and improvement suggestions of their campus/faculty concerning language studies.

  • Members participate in the annual meetings of their faculty and the Language Centre.

4 Benefits for the student

  • Activities in the Student Council provide general working life skills (such as team work skills, meeting skills, readiness for assessment and development work).

  • The student becomes familiar with university activities more widely than from the viewpoint of one's own faculty.

  • Credits (1-3 cr.) from the activities may be allocated for the elective studies in the degree.

  • A separate certificate is provided for acting in the Student Council.

Current student representatives


University representatives