University of Helsinki

Halloped information system

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Biological and Enviromental Sciences


The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body of the faculty, chaired by the Dean. The Faculty Council is responsible for developing teaching and research of the faculty, being in charge of quality management of research and teaching, deciding on degree requirements, curriculum and student selection criteria, among other things, as well as addressing far-reaching plans and other important matters of principle at the faculty.

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences


The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body of the faculty, chaired by the Dean. The Faculty Council is responsible for developing teaching and research of the faculty, being in charge of quality management of research and teaching, deciding on degree requirements, curriculum and student selection criteria, among other things, as well as addressing far-reaching plans and other important matters of principle at the faculty.

Academic Appeals Board of the University of Helsinki


According to the university’s Regulations on Degrees and the Protection of Students’ Rights, the University of Helsinki has an Academic Appeals Board appointed by the rector. The Board’s tasks include considering the appeals related to grading as well as taking initiatives and issuing statements for the development of the protection of students’ rights. The working language of the Board is Finnish.

You can find more information about the Board in the Sections 57–60 of the Regulations on Degrees and the Protection of Students’ rights.

Aineenopettajankoulutuksen kehittämistyöryhmä


Aineenopettajankoulutuksen kehittämistyöryhmä toimii opintoasiainneuvoston alaisuudessa ja siihen kuuluu opiskelijajäsenen lisäksi edustajia jokaisesta aineenopettajakoulutuksessa mukana olevasta tiedekunnasta, ruotsinkielisen aineenopettajakoulutuksen asiantuntija ja opetusharjoittelun asiantuntija.

Työryhmän keskeisiä tavoitteita ovat aineenopettajankoulutuksen toimijoiden keskinäisen yhteistyön lisääminen, nykyisten toimintamallien kriittinen tarkastelu ja uusien, tehokkaampien toimintatapojen luominen. Ryhmä täsmentää ja fokusoi itse työnkuvansa ensimmäisissä tapaamisissaan. Kehittämistyöyhmä järjestää toimintansa parhaaksi katsomallaan tavalla – työryhmä voi esimerkiksi järjestää työpajoja, vierailuja ja kutsua asiantuntijoita kuultavaksi oman harkintansa mukaan.

Apply to the executive group of Bachelor


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Apply to the executive group of Master's Programme in Plant Biology


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Board of Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies


The Board of Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies is looking for one doctoral student member and one personal deputy for the term 3 Apr 2014‒31 Dec 2015. The Collegium for Advanced Studies is an independent institute within the University of Helsinki. Its mission is:

  • to conduct high-quality research in the humanities and social sciences
  • to engage in and promote interdisciplinary interaction and cooperation with the faculties, departments and other institutes of the University of Helsinki and with other universities
  • to develop and maintain international relations in the fields it represents and to enhance the international profile of Finnish research.

The operations of the Collegium cover the humanities, social sciences, theology, law and behavioural sciences, but it can also support research in other fields with human-scientific approach. The Collegium particularly promotes interdisciplinary research and research concerning scientific methods and theoretical underlying assumptions.

The duties of the Board of the Collegium include, among other things, guiding and supervising the operations and finances of the institute, deciding on the research themes of the institute, preparing a proposal for the election of members of the Academic Advisory Board as well as the position of the director, appointing researchers and other staff for the institute, establishing an executive group or other preparatory organs for the institute if necessary, and approving the rules of procedure for the institute if necessary.

Board of Svenska verksamhetsnämnden


The committee develops Swedish-language teaching at the University, gives statements on Swedish-language teaching and activities and participates in the coordination of Swedish-language higher education at the national level. The committee also develops the cooperation between the University of Helsinki and the other higher education institutions in the related alliance (Hanken School of Economics and Arcada).

Board of the Aleksanteri Institute


Aleksanteri Institute is a department within the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Arts. Its purpose is to develop and coordinate multidisciplinary research, teaching and societal impact related to Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The Institute’s emphasis is on humanities and social sciences.

The Board of the Aleksanteri Institute promotes research, teaching and societal impact that support the Institute’s purpose. Students are represented by one actual member and one vice member. The term of the student members of the Board is two years.

Board of the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics


The tasks of the Board include guiding and overseeing the finances of GSE and giving advice on the planning of research and teaching. In addition, they approve the annual report, name the representatives of the Board into recruitment processes and invite members into the national scientific steering group and the national steering group.

Board of the IT Centre of the University of Helsinki


Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable.

More information about open positions: specialist (higher education policy and university administration) Janne Lardot, phone 050 543 8460, email: janne.lardot(at)

Board of the Ruralia Institute


The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is looking to fill the following positions of student representatives in university administration:

Board of the Ruralia Institute

Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable.

More information about open positions: specialist (university administration and higher education policy) Janne Lardot, phone 050 543 8460, email: janne.lardot(at)

City Centre Campus Library Advisory Council of the University of Helsinki


The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is looking to fill the following position(s) of student representatives in university administration:

City Centre Campus Library Advisory Council of the University of Helsinki

Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable.

More information about open positions: specialist (higher education policy and university administration) Aaro Häkkinen, phone 050 543 8460, email: aaro.hakkinen(at)

Construction committee of Info Centre Korona


The construction committee for the renovation of Info Centre Korona has been established for the duration of the construction project. The construction work is estimated to take place in 2020–2021. The construction committee represents the end user and will convene a couple of times a year during the project. The committee will approve the premise of the project as well as its central plans: the project plan, draft plans and general plans.

The construction committee is formed by representatives of the user units, students, personnel and occupational health and safety as well as the people in charge of the project in facility and property services. The project director, project manager and main designer of the project will act in the construction committee as expert members, with other specialists also invited if needed. Director of Properties and Facilities Teppo Salmikivi will act as the chair of the construction committee.

Students are represented in the construction committee by one member and one vice member. The term of the student members will last for the duration of the construction project. The student members must study on the Viikki campus.

Council for International Affairs


The Council for International Affairs discusses and promotes topics related to the university’s internationalisation and it’s led by the Vice Rector responsible for international affairs. The Council’s working language is Finnish.

Council of Education Affairs of the University of Helsinki


The Academic Affairs Council (ONE) is the highest academic committee in the University. Its duties include especially the preparation and follow-up of strategic policies related to education as well as the promotion and monitoring of the quality of teaching and learning at the University. The Academic Affairs Council meets around once per month during academic terms, and its primary meeting language is Finnish.

Equality Committee of the University of Helsinki


The purpose of the Equality Committee is to promote the implementation of the objectives of the Act on Equality between Women and Men and the Equality Act at the University; to affect the academic community in such a way that positive attitudes towards gender equality and equality, as well as opinions and structures are strengthened at the University; prepare a gender equality and equality plan in accordance with the Act on Equality between Women and Men and the Equality Act , monitor the development of equality at the University and to report about it; and take a stand on principled issues, which concern gender equality, equality and discrimination.

Ethical review board in the humanities and social and behavioural sciences


The mission of the University of Helsinki Ethical Review Board in the Humanities and Social and Behavioural Sciences is to ensure the ethical review of research conducted in the human, non-medical sciences at the University of Helsinki and, through statements and actions, steer the ethical development of research in the human sciences by, for example, monitoring and coordinating training in research ethics. The Ethical Review Board also provides consultation in matters related to research ethics and offers advice for solving research ethics problems. The Ethical Review Board abides by the guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity for the ethical principles of research in the humanities, the social and behavioural sciences, and proposals for ethical review in these fields.

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Agricultural Sciences (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Art Studies (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Chemistry (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Cultural Studies (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Economics (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Environmental and Food Economics (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Finno-Ugric and Nordic Languages and Literatures (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Food Sciences (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Forest Sciences (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Geography (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Geosciences (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in History (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in languages (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Law (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Mathematic Sciences (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Education (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Pedagogy (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Pharmacy (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Philosophy (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Physical Sciences (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Politics and Communication (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Psychology (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Social Studies (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Societal Change (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Speech Therapy (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Bachelor's programme in Theology and Religious Studies (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Degree Programme in Dentistry (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Degree Programme in Medicine (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme "Magisterprogrammet i Samhällsvetenskaper" (programme available only in Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Agricultural Sciences


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Art Studies (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Atmospheric Sciences


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Computer Science


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Cultural Heritage (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Culture and Communication (programme available only in Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Data Science


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Economics (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Finnish and Finno-Ugric Languages and Cultures (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Food Economics and Consumption (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Forest Sciences


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Gender Studies (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Geography


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Geology and Geophysics


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Languages (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Law (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Life Science Informatics


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Materials Research


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Mathematics and Statistics


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Education (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Pedagogy (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Pharmacy (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Philosophy (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Politics and Communication (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Psychology (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Regional and Cultural Studies (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Russian Studies


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Social Studies (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Societal Change (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Speech Therapy (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Theology and Religious Studies (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Theoretical and Computational Methods


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's programme in Translation and Interpreting (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for Master's Programme in Urban Studies and Planning


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for the Bachelor's programme in Veterinary medicine (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for the Licentiate's programme in Veterinary medicine (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group for the Master’s Programme in Changing Education


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of Food Sciences Master's programme


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of Master's Programme in Contemporary Societies


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of Master's programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of Master's Programme in Literature Studies (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of Master's Programme in Translational Medicine


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the bachelor programme for Biology


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the bachelor programme for Environmental Sciences (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the Bachelor’s Programme in Science


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the master's programme (European and Nordic Studies)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the Master's Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the Master's Programme in English Studies


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the Master's Programme in Genetics and Molecular Biosciences


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the Master's Programme in Global Governance Law


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the Master's Programme in History (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the Master's Programme in Neuroscience


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the Master's programme in Social and Health Reseach and Management (programme available only in Finnish/Swedish)


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the master's programme Intercultural Encounters


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the master's programme Linguistic Diversity in the Digital Age


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Executive group of the Master’s Programme in International Business Law


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Facilities Committee


The Facilities Committee is an expert body of the University, tasked with steering the strategic planning of premises in support of the Board and Rector of the University. It processes proposals made to the Board of the University on the development programme and investment plan of premises and on construction investments to be processed in the Properties Committee as well as prepares the grounds for charge on facility costs and prepares other significant operating rules and permanent regulations related to premises and premises security.

One actual member and one vice member are elected to represent the university's students in the Facilities Committee.

Faculty Council of Faculty of Theology


The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body of the faculty, chaired by the Dean. The Faculty Council is responsible for developing teaching and research of the faculty, being in charge of quality management of research and teaching, deciding on degree requirements, curriculum and student selection criteria, among other things, as well as addressing far-reaching plans and other important matters of principle at the faculty.

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences


The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body of the faculty, chaired by the Dean. The Faculty Council is responsible for developing teaching and research of the faculty, being in charge of quality management of research and teaching, deciding on degree requirements, curriculum and student selection criteria, among other things, as well as addressing far-reaching plans and other important matters of principle at the faculty.

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Law


The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body of the faculty, chaired by the Dean. The Faculty Council is responsible for developing teaching and research of the faculty, being in charge of quality management of research and teaching, deciding on degree requirements, curriculum and student selection criteria, among other things, as well as addressing far-reaching plans and other important matters of principle at the faculty.

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine


The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body of the faculty, chaired by the Dean. The Faculty Council is responsible for developing teaching and research of the faculty, being in charge of quality management of research and teaching, deciding on degree requirements, curriculum and student selection criteria, among other things, as well as addressing far-reaching plans and other important matters of principle at the faculty.

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy


The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body of the faculty, chaired by the Dean. The Faculty Council is responsible for developing teaching and research of the faculty, being in charge of quality management of research and teaching, deciding on degree requirements, curriculum and student selection criteria, among other things, as well as addressing far-reaching plans and other important matters of principle at the faculty.

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Science


The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body of the faculty, chaired by the Dean. The Faculty Council is responsible for developing teaching and research of the faculty, being in charge of quality management of research and teaching, deciding on degree requirements, curriculum and student selection criteria, among other things, as well as addressing far-reaching plans and other important matters of principle at the faculty.

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body of the faculty, chaired by the Dean. The Faculty Council is responsible for developing teaching and research of the faculty, being in charge of quality management of research and teaching, deciding on degree requirements, curriculum and student selection criteria, among other things, as well as addressing far-reaching plans and other important matters of principle at the faculty.

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry


The Faculty Council is a multi-member administrative body of the faculty, chaired by the Dean. The Faculty Council is responsible for developing teaching and research of the faculty, being in charge of quality management of research and teaching, deciding on degree requirements, curriculum and student selection criteria, among other things, as well as addressing far-reaching plans and other important matters of principle at the faculty.

Helsinki Network Brain & Mind working group on teaching


Helsinki Network Brain & Mind is a joint initiative of the University of Helsinki, the Aalto University and HUS, aimed at promoting practices such as cross-disciplinary cooperation, the utilisation of research, corporate cooperation and the systematic, strategic and long-term development of teaching and infrastructure in neurosciences. The initiative supports the Neurocenter Finland project coordinated by the University of Eastern Finland and funded by three ministries (the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy).

Helsinki Network Brain & Mind (HNBM) has a working group on teaching. Its duties include the following:

  • Charting the teaching of neurosciences (different faculties at the University of Helsinki, the Aalto University and HUS’s specialisation training)
  • Coordinating and promoting cooperation in the teaching of neurosciences while taking future needs into account
  • Brainstorming and organising cross-disciplinary seminar series

Humanistisen tiedekunnan tiedekuntaneuvosto


Tiedekuntaneuvosto on tiedekunnan monijäseninen hallintoelin, jonka puheenjohtajana toimii dekaani. Tiedekuntaneuvoston tehtävänä on kehittää tiedekunnan opetusta ja tutkimusta, vastata tutkimuksen ja opetuksen laadun hallinnasta, päättää mm. tutkintovaatimuksista, opetusohjelmasta, opiskelijoiden valinnan perusteista sekä käsitellä tiedekunnan laajakantoiset suunnitelmat ja muut periaatteellisesti tärkeät asiat.

Juhlarahaston hoitokunta


Helsingin yliopiston rahastoihin kuuluu noin 180 nimikkorahastoa, jotka perustuvat satojen yksityisten ihmisten ja yhteisöjen lahjoituksiin, testamentteihin ja merkkipäiväkeräyksiin. Rahastot toteuttavat tarkoitustaan jakamalla varoja Helsingin yliopiston tutkimuksen, opetuksen ja opiskelijoiden hyväksi.

Osa nimikkorahastoista on koottu tieteenalakohtaisiin rahastoihin. Kullakin tieteenalakohtaisella rahastolla on rehtorin nimittämä hoitokunta, jonka tehtävänä on päättää rahaston varojen käyttämisestä sekä jaettavista apurahoista, stipendeistä ja palkinnoista. Tieteenalakohtaisten rahastojen hoitokunnissa on 3-6 jäsentä, joista yksi valitaan opiskelijoiden keskuudesta.

Keskustakampuksen tieteenalarahastojen hoitokunta 1 (humanistiset tieteet)


1.8.2017 alkaen Helsingin yliopiston rahastoihin kuuluvien tieteenalarahastojen päätöksenteko tapahtuu kampuskohtaisten hoitokuntien kautta, jotka edustavat kampuksen tiedekuntia vastaavia tieteenalarahastoja.

Keskustakampuksen tieteenalarahastojen hoitokunta 1 edustaa humanistisia tieteitä. Hoitokunnan tehtävänä on julistaa haettavaksi rahastoihin lahjoitetuista varoista jaettavat apurahat, palkinnot, stipendit ja muut mahdolliset hakuun avattavat tuet sekä tehdä päätökset näiden myöntämisestä.

Hoitokunnan kokouskieli on suomi. Hoitokunta kokoontuu puheenjohtajan kutsusta tai hänen ollessa estyneenä varapuheenjohtajan kutsusta silloin kun he katsovat siihen olevan aihetta tai kun vähintään puolet hoitokunnan jäsenistä sitä vaatii. Tarvittaessa hoitokunta voi kutsua ulkopuolisia asiantuntijoita.

Keskustakampuksen tieteenalarahastojen hoitokunta 2 (oikeustiede, teologia, yhteiskuntatieteet, kasvatustiede)


1.8.2017 alkaen Helsingin yliopiston rahastoihin kuuluvien tieteenalarahastojen päätöksenteko tapahtuu kampuskohtaisten hoitokuntien kautta, jotka edustavat kampuksen tiedekuntia vastaavia tieteenalarahastoja.

Keskustakampuksen tieteenalarahastojen hoitokunta 2 edustaa oikeustieteen, teologian, yhteiskunnallisten tieteiden sekä kasvatustieteen aloja. Hoitokunnan tehtävänä on julistaa haettavaksi rahastoihin lahjoitetuista varoista jaettavat apurahat, palkinnot, stipendit ja muut mahdolliset hakuun avattavat tuet sekä tehdä päätökset näiden myöntämisestä.

Hoitokunnan kokouskieli on suomi. Hoitokunta kokoontuu puheenjohtajan kutsusta tai hänen ollessa estyneenä varapuheenjohtajan kutsusta silloin kun he katsovat siihen olevan aihetta tai kun vähintään puolet hoitokunnan jäsenistä sitä vaatii. Tarvittaessa hoitokunta voi kutsua ulkopuolisia asiantuntijoita.

Kestävyys ja vastuullisuus -toimikunta


Kestävyys ja vastuullisuus -toimikunta johtaa yliopiston kestävyyden ja vastuullisuuden ohjelman linjausten valmistelua ja toteutusta. Tavoitteena on tuoda HY:n kestävyyden ja vastuullisuuden kokonaisuus tiiviimmin osaksi jo olemassa olevien toimikuntien ja muiden kokoonpanojen toimintaa – tämä on siis tilaisuus ohjata koko yliopistoa kestävään suuntaan!

Toimikunta mm. laatii pitkän aikavälin tavoitteet ohjaamaan yliopiston oman toiminnan vastuullisuutta ja kestävyyttä seuraavan strategiakauden aikana sekä luo kestävyyden ja vastuullisuuden toimintamallin ja suunnitelman toiminnan seurannasta ja raportoinnista. Toimikunnan kokouskieli on suomi.

Kestävyyteen ja vastuullisuuteen liittyvää tutkimustietoa ja innovaatioita on runsaasti, mutta vain murto-osaa tästä tiedosta ja innovaatioista hyödynnetään ohjaamaan yhteiskuntaa, samoin kuin yliopiston omaa toimintaa, kestävämpään ja vastuullisempaan suuntaan. Jatkossa Helsingin yliopistossa tutkimuksen ja opetuksen menetelmien, laitteiden ja työympäristöjen uudistamista ja kehittämistä halutaan tehdä entistä kestävämmin ja vastuullisemmin. Kestävyys ja vastuullisuus -toimikunta tekee yhteistyötä Helsingin yliopiston kestävyystieteen instituutti HELSUSin kanssa. Lisätietoa HELSUSin toiminnasta löydät osoitteestaävyystieteen-instituutti.

Lisätietoja toimikunnasta antaa koulutuspoliittinen asiantuntija Jenna Sorjonen, puh. 050-3255202, sähköposti jenna.sorjonen(at)

Kielikeskuksen opetuksenkehittämisryhmä


Helsingin yliopiston kielikeskus järjestää tutkintoihin kuuluvat viestintä- ja kieliopinnot. Kielikeskuksessa opiskelee vuosittain noin 14.000 kotimaista ja kansainvälistä opiskelijaa eri kampuksilta ja koulutusohjelmista.

Kielikeskuksen opetuksen kehittämisryhmässä (OK-ryhmä) on sekä henkilöstö- että opiskelija-jäseniä. OK-ryhmä edistää ja tukee Kielikeskuksen opetuksen suunnittelua, toteutusta ja arvi-ointia. Se suunnittelee ja järjestää Kielikeskuksen pedagogisia koulutustilaisuuksia ja seminaa-reja. OK-ryhmässä keskustellaan ajankohtaisista Kielikeskuksen ja Helsingin yliopiston opetuk-seen ja erityisesti kieliopintoihin liittyvistä aiheista.

Kumpula Campus Library Advisory Council of the University of Helsinki


The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is looking to fill the following position(s) of student representatives in university administration:

Kumpula Campus Library Advisory Council of the University of Helsinki

Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable.

More information about open positions: specialist (higher education policy and university administration) Aaro Häkkinen, phone 050 543 8460, email: aaro.hakkinen(at)

Kumpulan kampuksen tieteenalarahaston hoitokunta


1.8.2017 alkaen Helsingin yliopiston rahastoihin kuuluvien tieteenalarahastojen päätöksenteko tapahtuu kampuskohtaisten hoitokuntien kautta, jotka edustavat kampuksen tiedekuntia vastaavia tieteenalarahastoja.

Kumpulan kampuksen tieteenalarahaston hoitokunta edustaa matematiikan ja luonnontieteiden aloja. Hoitokunnan tehtävänä on julistaa haettavaksi rahastoihin lahjoitetuista varoista jaettavat apurahat, palkinnot, stipendit ja muut mahdolliset hakuun avattavat tuet sekä tehdä päätökset näiden myöntämisestä.

Hoitokunnan kokouskieli on suomi. Hoitokunta kokoontuu puheenjohtajan kutsusta tai hänen ollessa estyneenä varapuheenjohtajan kutsusta silloin kun he katsovat siihen olevan aihetta tai kun vähintään puolet hoitokunnan jäsenistä sitä vaatii. Tarvittaessa hoitokunta voi kutsua ulkopuolisia asiantuntijoita.

Laadunhallinnan ohjausryhmä (LAAVA-ryhmä)


Yliopiston laadunhallinnan ja arvioinnin ohjausta ja koordinointia varten asetetaan uusi Laadunhallinnan ohjausryhmä (LAAVA-ryhmä) 1.1.2017 alkaen, jonka tehtävä on kehittää ja vahvistaa yliopiston laatukulttuuria yhdessä sen yksiköiden kanssa, linjata yliopiston laadunhallinnan periaatteita ja käytäntöjä opetuksen ja tutkimuksen tueksi, ohjata yliopiston toiminnan laadun kehittämistä ja laadun arviointia sekä koordinoida laatujärjestelmän kokonaisuutta.

Luonnontieteellisen keskusmuseon johtokunta


Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo vastaa luonnontieteellisten kansalliskokoelmien säilyttämisestä, kartuttamisesta ja näytteillepanosta sekä näihin liittyvästä tutkimuksesta ja opetuksesta. Lisäksi keskusmuseon tehtävänä on:

• tehdä erityisaloihinsa liittyvää tutkimusta ja antaa tutkimukseen perustuvaa opetusta • toimia laaja-alaisena ajoitus- ja isotooppimenetelmien osaajana • toimia alansa asiantuntijana yhteiskunnallisessa vuorovaikutuksessa • tarjota kokoelmiaan erityisesti eläintieteen, geologian ja paleontologian sekä kasvi- ja sienitieteen tutkimuksen ja opetuksen käyttöön; • koordinoida Suomen luonnontieteellisten museoiden ja kasvitieteellisten puutarhojen yhteistyötä

Keskusmuseolla on johtokunta, jonka tehtävänä on erityisesti:

1) käsitellä keskusmuseon toimeenpanosuunnitelma ja siihen sisältyvä henkilöstösuunnitelma ja budjetti 2) käsitellä laitoksen opetusohjelma 3) tehdä rehtorille esitys keskusmuseon johtajan ottamisesta ja nimetä varajohtaja toimikautensa ajaksi 4) päättää keskusmuseon sisäisestä rakenteesta 5) asettaa keskusmuseon kokoelmaohjausryhmä sekä tutkimus- ja opetusohjausryhmä. 6) ratkaista ne asiat, jotka johtaja on niiden tärkeyden tai laajakantoisuuden vuoksi saattanut johtokunnan käsiteltäväksi.

Johtokunta voi kuulla asiantuntijoita tehtäviä hoitaessaan.

Meilahden kampuksen tieteenalarahaston hoitokunta


1.8.2017 alkaen Helsingin yliopiston rahastoihin kuuluvien tieteenalarahastojen päätöksenteko tapahtuu kampuskohtaisten hoitokuntien kautta, jotka edustavat kampuksen tiedekuntia vastaavia tieteenalarahastoja.

Meilahden kampuksen tieteenalarahaston hoitokunta edustaa lääketieteen alaa. Hoitokunnan tehtävänä on julistaa haettavaksi rahastoihin lahjoitetuista varoista jaettavat apurahat, palkinnot, stipendit ja muut mahdolliset hakuun avattavat tuet sekä tehdä päätökset näiden myöntämisestä.

Hoitokunnan kokouskieli on suomi. Hoitokunta kokoontuu puheenjohtajan kutsusta tai hänen ollessa estyneenä varapuheenjohtajan kutsusta silloin kun he katsovat siihen olevan aihetta tai kun vähintään puolet hoitokunnan jäsenistä sitä vaatii. Tarvittaessa hoitokunta voi kutsua ulkopuolisia asiantuntijoita.

Meilahti Campus Library Advisory Council of the University of Helsinki


The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is looking to fill the following position(s) of student representatives in university administration:

Meilahti Campus Library Advisory Council of the University of Helsinki

Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable.

More information about open positions: specialist (higher education policy and university administration) Aaro Häkkinen, phone 050 543 8460, email: aaro.hakkinen(at)

Molekyylibiotieteiden kandiohjelman johtoryhmä


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Opettajien Akatemian haun arviointiryhmä


Opettajien Akatemian haun arviointiryhmä valmistelee rehtorille esityksen Opettajien Akatemian uusista jäsenistä. Arviointiryhmä kokoontuu tehtävää varten kerran ja sen jäsenille maksetaan 250 euron palkkio. Arviointiryhmässä työskentely edellyttää suomen kielen taitoa.

Opettajien Akatemia on Suomessa ainutlaatuinen yliopiston huippuopettajien verkosto, jonka tavoitteena on vahvistaa opetuksen arvostusta ja asemaa yliopistoyhteisössä – samalla edistetään myös opiskelijoihin ja oppimisen laatuun panostamista. Akatemiaan nimetään tänä syksynä kymmenen uutta opetuksessa ansioitunutta opettajaa, jotka saavat palkinnoksi jäsenyyden akatemiaan sekä rahaa oman ja kotiyksikkönsä opetuksen kehittämiseen. Lisätietoa Opettajien Akatemiasta löydät osoitteesta

Pohjoismaisten kielten ja kirjallisuuksien maisteriohjelman johtoryhmä


Each degree programme at the University of Helsinki has an executive group that supports the director of the degree programme and processes the main issues related to the degree programme’s operation. Two actual and two vice members represent students in each executive group.

The tasks of the degree programmes’ executive groups are: 1) being in charge of preparing the curriculum 2) preparing a proposal on the curriculum for the faculty in charge 3) preparing a proposal on the application targets and selection criteria for the faculty in charge 4) preparing a proposal for the faculty in charge on the maximum number of students to be accepted into the degree programme 5) deciding on the degree programme’s teaching schedule 6) preparing the use of the degree programme’s teaching as well as its teaching and facility resources 7) taking care of organising Swedish-language teaching in the degree programme

The preparation of curricula and deciding on the annual teaching schedule are particularly important influencing places for students: executive groups determine the framework for what courses are taught in the schedule, which studies are compulsory to everyone, how much optional studies can be included in degrees, what kind of study material and teaching methods are used on courses and what methods to complete courses each course has. In addition to this, executive groups process issues related to student admissions in the degree programme and the use of teaching and facility resources, for instance.

As a member of the executive group, you will get to influence teaching offered in the degree programme and make students’ voice heard while forming useful networks at the same time. You can also get credits for acting in the executive group.

For further information on acting in the executive group of a degree programme and the call for applications, please contact the Specialist in Educational Policy Jenna Sorjonen, tel. 050 325 5202, email jenna.sorjonen(at)

Further information on acting as a student representative in administration, the Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives and much more is available at

Päärakennuksen peruskorjauksen rakennustoimikunta


Rakennustoimikunta muodostuu käyttäjäyksiköiden edustajista opiskelijoiden, henkilökunnan ja työsuojelun edustajista sekä hankkeen vastuuhenkilöistä Tila- ja kiinteistökeskuksessa. Asiantuntijoina rakennustoimikuntaan osallistuvat hankkeen projektinjohtaja, projektipäällikkö ja pääsuunnittelija sekä tarvittaessa muitakin asiantuntijoita. Osapuolet nimeävät itse edustajansa. Rakennustoimikunnan puheenjohtajana toimii toimitilajohtaja ja HYK Oy:n muiden yliopistojen hankkeissa ko. yliopiston nimeämä. Toimikunta kokoontuu hankkeen aikana muutamia kertoja.

Selection Committee: Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Faculty of Arts


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Arts. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Arts and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Faculty of Educational Sciences


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Educational sciences. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Educational sciences and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Faculty of Law


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Law. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Law and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Faculty of Medicine


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Medicine. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Medicine and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Faculty of Pharmacy


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Pharmacy. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Pharmacy and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Faculty of Science


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Science. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Science and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Faculty of Social Sciences


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Social Sciences and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Faculty of Theology


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Theology. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Theology and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Fac­ulty of Bio­lo­gical and En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representative in the faculty council and the University Collegium from the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences. The Committee then makes justified proposals to the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by the Board of the Student Union in the case of the faculty councils and HYY’s Representative Council in the case of the University Collegium.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Selection Committee: Swedish School of Social Science


The Selection Committee reads the applications for the positions of student representatives in the University Collegium from the Swedish School of Social Science. The Committee then makes a justified proposal to the Representative Council on the persons to be selected. To conduct this task, the Selection Committee convenes during weeks 43–45. The final decisions on the selections are made by HYY’s Representative Council.

In the Selection Committee, you will get to influence the student representation of the Swedish School of Social Science and ensure that the most motivated applicants are selected to look after students’ interests.

Steering group for the digitalisation of research


Two new steering groups are being established at the University of Helsinki in 2020 to support the new measures to develop teaching and research through digitalisation that are taken in accordance with the University’s new Strategic Plan. In the upcoming years, the University is investing in development projects related to teaching and research that are considered important by the members of the University community themselves – projects whose success or realisation is important for the future of teaching and research.

The steering group on the digitalisation of research has three primary duties: 1) Acting as a preparatory expert group making prioritisation and decision proposals on the development of the university-level conditions for conducting research (in cases where their development requires or significantly benefits from digitalisation) 2)Assessing the University’s investment ability (in order to further digitalisation on the terms of research, not information systems) 3) Commenting on digitalisation projects that are taking place in faculties and other units and are included in the project monitoring portfolio (as well as on their possible expansion onto the University level)

The steering group also has the duty to ensure that the national-level digitalisation vision being currently prepared will be utilised in an appropriate manner at the UH.

Doctoral students are represented in the steering group for the digitalisation of research by one member.

Steering group for the digitalisation of teaching


Two new steering groups are being established at the University of Helsinki in 2020 to support the new measures to develop teaching and research through digitalisation that are taken in accordance with the University’s new Strategic Plan. In the upcoming years, the University is investing in development projects related to teaching and research that are considered important by the members of the University community themselves – projects whose success or realisation is important for the future of teaching and research.

The steering group for the digitalisation of teaching has three primary duties: 1) Acting as a preparatory expert group making prioritisation and decision proposals on the development of teaching conditions at the University level (in cases where their development requires or significantly benefits from digitalisation) 2)Assessing the University’s investment ability (in order to further digitalisation on the terms of teaching, not information systems) 3) Commenting on digitalisation projects that are taking place in faculties and other units and are included in the project monitoring portfolio (as well as on their possible expansion onto the University level)

The steering group also has the duty to ensure that the national-level digitalisation vision being currently prepared will be utilised in an appropriate manner at the UH.

Students are represented in the steering group for the digitalisation of teaching by one member.



Styrgruppen för tvåspråkigt centrumcampussamarbete har till uppgift att utveckla och samordna den svenskspråkiga och tvåspråkiga verksamhet som fakulteterna bedriver var för sig och tillsammans. Detta kan ske exempelvis i form av informationsspridning, kurssamarbete över enhetsgränser samt genom ordnande av campusmöten och -seminarier. Varje fakultet på campus finns representerad i gruppen och fakultetsrepresentanterna ansvarar för att sprida informationen bland sina kolleger på respektive fakultet. Dessutom representeras studenterna av två medlemmar och deras suppleanter i styrgruppen. Styrgruppen sammanträder i regel två gånger per termin och arbetar på svenska.

Styrgruppen för utveckling av den tvåspråkiga undervisningen i Vik


Styrgruppen för utveckling av den tvåspråkiga undervisningen i Vik har till uppgift att utveckla och samordna den svenskspråkiga och tvåspråkiga verksamhet som fakulteterna bedriver var för sig och tillsammans. Detta kan ske exempelvis i form av informationsspridning, kurssamarbete över enhetsgränser samt genom ordnande av campusmöten och -seminarier. Varje fakultet på campus finns representerad i gruppen och fakultetsrepresentanterna ansvarar för att sprida informationen bland sina kolleger på respektive fakultet. Dessutom representeras studenterna av en medlem och hens suppleant i styrgruppen. Styrgruppen sammanträder i regel två gånger per termin och arbetar på svenska.

Teacher Education Advisory Board of the University of Helsinki


Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable. More information about open positions: specialist (higher education policy and university administration) Janne Lardot, phone 050 543 8460, email: janne.lardot(at)

The Board of the Library of University of Helsinki


The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is looking to fill the following position(s) of student representatives in university administration:

The Board of the Library of University of Helsinki

Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable.

More information about open positions: specialist (higher education policy and university administration) Janne Lardot, phone 050 543 8460, email: janne.lardot(at)

The Board of the National Library


The National Library is an independent institution within the University of Helsinki. It's responsilities include archiving published cultural heritage and making it available to the public, functioning as a research library and a national cultural institution as well as coordinating national online library services. The Board of the National Library steers and advocates the operations of the National Library, confirms its budget and plan of action as well as other significant matters related to the library.

One actual member and one vice member are selected to represent the students of the University of Helsinki in the Board.

The Board of the Open University


The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is looking to fill the following position(s) of student representatives in university administration:

1) The Board of the Open University

Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable.

The Board of the University of Helsinki Language Centre


The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is looking to fill the following position(s) of student representatives in university administration:

1) The Board of the University of Helsinki Language Centre

Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable.

More information about open positions: specialist (university administration and higher education policy) Janne Lardot, phone 050 543 8460, email: janne.lardot(at)

The Board of Unisport


The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is looking to fill the following positions of student representatives in university administration:

The Board of Unisport

Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable.

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Arts


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Biological and Enviromental Sciences


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Educational Sciences


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Law


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Medicine


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Pharmacy


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Science


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Social Sciences


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Theology


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

The University Collegium – The Faculty of Veterinary of Medicine


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university



Tiedekasvatustyöryhmä kehittää Helsingin yliopiston tiedekasvatustoimintaa entistä kunnianhimoisempaan suuntaan. Työryhmä aloittaa työskentelynsä heti ja valmistelee 1.3.2019 mennessä ehdotuksen Helsingin yliopiston tiedekasvatuskeskuksen toiminnan laajentamisesta koko yliopistoa poikkileikkaavaksi toiminnaksi. Työryhmän tavoitteena on löytää ratkaisuja tiedekasvatustoimintaan yliopiston toimipisteissä ympäri Suomen. Työryhmä työskentelee suomeksi.

Lapsia, nuoria ja koko perheitä eri tieteiden opiskelun ja harrastamisen pariin innostavan monialaisen tiedekasvatustoiminnan kautta Helsingin yliopisto – yhteistyössä lukuisten kansallisten ja kansainvälisten tahojen kanssa – tutkii ja kehittää uusia pedagogisia ratkaisuja sekä kouluttaa niin tulevia kuin nykyisiäkin opettajia niiden hyödyntämiseen kaikenlaisessa opetuksessa. Tästä vastaa yliopistolla Tiedekasvatuskeskus. Lisätietoa yliopiston nykyisestä tiedekasvatustoiminnasta löydät osoitteesta

Lisätietoja työryhmästä antaa koulutuspoliittinen asiantuntija Jenna Sorjonen, puh. 050-3255202, sähköposti jenna.sorjonen(at)

Tieteellinen neuvosto


The Scientific Council (TINE) is an internal expert body of the University, tasked with developing the University's common matters related to research policy and research activities. The council monitors the realisation of goals, measures and profitability related to research. It processes issues related to doctoral education, research careers, research infrastructures, strategic research areas, the assessment of research and issues related to the societal impact of research and corporate cooperation based on research activities.

The Scientific Council may establish subcommittees and invite experts to its meetings. The council meets six times during the academic year, and its primary language is Finnish.

UNA Europa's Student Board


UNA Europa ( is a European University Alliance bringing together eight leading research universities with global reputation and reach. Together we aim to shape Europe’s future.

UNA Europa’s mission is to create a truly European inter-university environment, where outstanding research is continuously linked to transnational learning and innovative, critical thinking. The collaboration begins within four priority focus areas: European Studies, Sustainability, Cultural Heritage and Data Science & Artificial Intelligence. Diversity is a strength of our alliance, underpinned by common principles: interdisciplinarity, internationalisation, innovation, interaction, inclusivity and impact.

Among UNA Europa’s key goals are the following: • 100% of UNA Europa students will benefit incorporating online and blended mobility. • 50% of UNA Europa students will benefit from physical international mobility • 2 million Europeans will benefit from our educational and civic engagement programmes • Our joint research activity will have increased threefold

The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is looking for a student to represent the University of Helsinki in UNA Europa’s Student Board for a term that ends 30.11.2022. The student representative can be a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral student.

The student board will systematically monitor the activities of UNA Europa. As key stakeholders, students will give continuous feedback on the quality and relevance of the outputs and milestones delivered by the Alliance. They will be proactive actors thanks to dedicated budget, meeting spaces and support for their activities in the frame of UNA Europa. An important form of activity is the student-driven task force ‘Affordably Abroad’, which will investigate solutions to overcoming obstacles in achieving physical mobility for all.

The Student Board elects a chair and a secretary. The chair and the secretary are the student representatives in UNA Europa Project Steering Committee. The Student Board will have 18 meetings during the project: nine face-to-face meetings and nine virtual meetings. The University of Helsinki covers the travel costs. The first face-to-face meeting takes place during UNA Europa’s 1Europe kick-off event in Brussels on January 22-24, 2020. The Board works is English and fluent English language skills are necessary for the position.

Free-form applications addressed to the Board of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki should be submitted by Thursday 12 December 2019 at

The Student Union of the University of Helsinki hopes to see applicants from as diverse backgrounds as possible. The following are considered as advantages: 1) motivation and commitment to serve in the position, 2) demonstrated interest and understanding of international higher education policy, and 3) experience as a student representative or from other student advocacy work.

More information on applying from Specialist Jenna Sorjonen, Student Union of the University of Helsinki (email:; phone +358 50 3255202).

More information on the position from Head of Development Anna-Maria Salmi at International Affairs, University of Helsinki (email:; phone: +358 50 4151687)

University’s Scholarship Committee


Apply to the University’s Scholarship Committee!

We are looking for two actual members for the University’s Scholarship Committee!

In August 2017, the University will begin to charge tuition fees from students who come from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland and study in Master’s programmes taught in languages other than Finnish or Swedish. Collecting tuition fees requires a scholarship system, and students subject to tuition fees can thus apply for scholarships from the University.

The University’s Scholarship Committee will decide on scholarships annually awarded to students, assess the functionality of the scholarship system and report on both the system and the committee’s own activities to the Academic Affairs Council. The Scholarship Committee features a chair and six members, with two of the members being students and four being members of the teaching and research staff. The term of the Scholarship Committee lasts two years, and members are now being nominated for the years of 2017–2018.

When selecting the student representatives to the Scholarship Committee, the Student Union considers particularly the applicant’s motivation and experience of international Master’s programmes as advantages.

Applications addressed to the Board of the Student Union should be filled at by Monday 9 January 2017 at noon. The Student Union hopes to see applications from people of different genders, languages and nationalities.

For further information on the position, please contact Specialist Aino Jones, 050 543 9608 or aino.jones(at)

Viikin kampuksen tieteenalarahastojen hoitokunta


1.8.2017 alkaen Helsingin yliopiston rahastoihin kuuluvien tieteenalarahastojen päätöksenteko tapahtuu kampuskohtaisten hoitokuntien kautta, jotka edustavat kampuksen tiedekuntia vastaavia tieteenalarahastoja. Viikin kampuksen tieteenalarahastojen hoitokunta edustaa eläinlääketieteen, farmasian, bio- ja ympäristötieteiden sekä maatalous-metsätieteiden aloja. Hoitokunnan tehtävänä on julistaa haettavaksi rahastoihin lahjoitetuista varoista jaettavat apurahat, palkinnot, stipendit ja muut mahdolliset hakuun avattavat tuet sekä tehdä päätökset näiden myöntämisestä.

Hoitokuntien kokouskieli on suomi. Hoitokunnat kokoontuvat puheenjohtajan kutsusta tai hänen ollessa estyneenä varapuheenjohtajan kutsusta silloin kun he katsovat siihen olevan aihetta tai kun vähintään puolet hoitokunnan jäsenistä sitä vaatii. Tarvittaessa hoitokunnat voi kutsua ulkopuolisia asiantuntijoita.

Viikki Campus Library Advisory Council of the University of Helsinki


The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is looking to fill the following position(s) of student representatives in university administration:

Viikki Campus Library Advisory Council of the University of Helsinki

Student representation in university administration is an important principle of the Finnish higher education institutions. In all administrative bodies professors, other staff and students are all equally represented, which ensures decision-making that takes into account the points of view of all instances involved in the issues being discussed.

Student representatives do not receive a salary, but work on a voluntary basis. Depending on the body in question, meetings can be held from a few times a year to monthly. In addition to attending the meetings, student representatives are expected to familiarise themselves with the documents beforehand, and keep in touch with the students they represent, as well as the other student representatives through personal contacts or student organisations. The student representatives themselves gain important experience of university administration. Also, having acted as a student representative in university administration can also be an advantage when seeking employment.

Most university administrative bodies currently work in Finnish. English may be accepted as a working language, but most documents will be in Finnish, so a basic command of the language is advisable.

More information about open positions: specialist (higher education policy and university administration) Aaro Häkkinen, phone 050 543 8460, email: aaro.hakkinen(at)

Yliopistokollegio – Svenska social och kommunalhögskolan


The tasks of the University Collegium include:

  • deciding on the number of members of the University Board and the duration of the Board's term of office
  • appointing members from outside the university community to the University Board
  • confirming the selections of the university community groups as the Board members
  • releasing the Board members from their positions on the recommendation of the Board
  • appointing the university auditors
  • confirming the university's financial statements and annual report, as well as deciding on granting discharge from liability to the Board members and the Rector
  • deciding on filing a suit for damages against a Board member, the Rector and the auditor
  • appointing the Chancellor
  • convening at least twice a year to discuss major issues concerning the entire university

Yliopistopalveluiden ohjausryhmä


Yliopistopalvelut (YPA) on 1.5.2016 aloittanut yliopiston tukipalveluorganisaatio, johon kuuluu muun muassa opiskelijapalvelut, joka vastaa muun muassa opintoneuvonnasta ja opintoihin liittyvistä hallinnollisista tehtävistä kuten kurssi- ja tenttijärjestelyistä, opintojen rekisteröinnistä ja valmistumisista.

Ohjausryhmän tehtävänä on tukea YPAn palveluiden ja toiminnan kehittämistä yliopiston strategisten tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Ohjausryhmä käsittelee yliopistopalveluihin liittyvää palautetta, tekee aloitteita ja kehittämisehdotuksia ja ottaa kantaa yliopistopalveluiden kehittämishankkeisiin. Ohjausryhmän toimikausi on kaksi vuotta ja kokouksia on noin neljä vuodessa.

Lisätietoa toimielimestä ja opiskelijaedustajan tehtävästä antaa koulutuspoliittinen asiantuntija Jenna Sorjonen, jenna.sorjonen(at), 0503255202.